Saturday 18 January 2014

Exquisite Corpse

Back in 2003 ...... How up to speed are we? Two thousand and three ? ... I sooooo wish Id started a degree in applied linguistics back then because I'd have finished it by now with maybe a 3rd or something. As it happens though I don't know when world grammar day is .... ( big convo though I bet at a dictionary party where those ultra clever fun folk turn up in socks with pictures of penguins on the side and diss the res publica ) .... In 2003 Spike Jonze, Chris Cunningham, Michel Gondry & Palm Pictures got together and started the ' Directors Label '. Basically a series of DVD's that were put together beneath an 'umbrella title' to bum each others work up. They included music videos, shorts, commercials & a documentary or two. Each of the DVD's come with a 52 page book and a double sided poster featuring an "exquisite corpse". Exquisite Corpse ... oh how how my youngest enjoys doing them

Chris Cunningham


1 comment:

  1. Brilliant, brilliant DVDs, I have the Cunningham and Jonze ones.
